5 Best Ab Exercises for Menopause Belly: Say Goodbye to Stubborn Belly Fat

5 Best Ab Exercises for Menopause Belly: Say Goodbye to Stubborn Belly Fat

As women age and approach menopause, they often experience changes in their bodies that can be challenging to deal with. One common change is the accumulation of fat around the belly area, also known as menopause belly. This can be frustrating and challenging to address, but fortunately, there are exercises that can help. In this blog, we will discuss the five best ab exercises for menopause belly.

Woman doing plank outdoor


Planks are a fantastic exercise for strengthening your core, which can help reduce menopause belly. To perform a plank, start by getting into a push-up position with your hands directly under your shoulders. Engage your core and hold this position for as long as you can. Aim to work up to holding the plank for one to two minutes at a time.

Women doing bicycle crunch indoorBicycle Crunch

Bicycle crunches are an excellent exercise for targeting the oblique muscles, which can help tone your waistline and reduce menopause belly. To perform a bicycle crunch, lie flat on your back with your hands behind your head. Lift your head and shoulders off the ground and bring your left elbow to your right knee while extending your left leg. Repeat on the other side, bringing your right elbow to your left knee while extending your right leg. Continue alternating sides for 10-15 reps.

Women holding a medicine ball doing russian twist at the gymRussian Twist

Russian twists are another great exercise for targeting the oblique muscles. To perform a Russian twist, sit on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the ground. Hold a weight or a medicine ball with both hands and twist your torso to the left, then to the right, touching the weight or ball to the ground on each side. Repeat for 10-15 reps.

Woman doing reverse crunch indoorReverse Crunch

Reverse crunches are a fantastic exercise for targeting the lower abs, which can be particularly challenging to tone. To perform a reverse crunch, lie flat on your back with your hands at your sides. Lift your legs up so they are perpendicular to the ground, then use your lower abs to lift your hips off the ground and towards your chest. Lower back down and repeat for 10-15 reps.

Woman doing side plank indoorSide Plank

Side planks are another excellent exercise for targeting the oblique muscles. To perform a side plank, start in a plank position, then shift your weight onto your left arm and rotate your body to the left, lifting your right arm towards the ceiling. Hold this position for as long as you can, then switch sides and repeat.

In conclusion, menopause belly can be frustrating, but by incorporating these ab exercises into your routine, you can help tone your core and reduce fat around your waistline. Remember to combine exercise with a healthy diet and lifestyle to achieve the best results.